Monday, September 22, 2008

My, how the time flies!!

I can't seem to log back into the old blog to do any updating, so I created a new one. I will try to post actually stories about the many adventures of life with Miss Morgan. I absolutely cannot believe that in less than four months she will be four years old. FOUR YEARS OLD. When the heck did that happen???? It does not seem that long at all. I swear it was just yesterday that we came home with this little bitty baby. And now we have a big girl. And Heaven forbid you don't call her a big girl. We'll just let you try that experiment all on your own.

Currently, Morgan is in the Older 3's class at daycare. This is something she is not totally thrilled about. We're not sure what this is about. She is just desperate to be in Mrs. Kerri's class. Hopefully this will happen sooner rather than later. She started taking dance classes about a month ago. She seems to be doing pretty good and except for one class, she is liking is so far.

She is still as smart as a whip and sassy as ever. She very much knows what she wants and what she doesn't. And I think I've created a monster when it comes to shopping. We were at Target yesterday and she was on a roll just throwing stuff in the basket.

I'm at a loss for any cute stories about things she's said or done lately. No doubt she will say something clever soon enough.

I will try my best to keep up with posting!!

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