Thursday, April 29, 2010

So much for keeping up....

So it's only been six and a half months since I last posted something. Not at all shocking. What have we been up to these last six or so months? Mostly the same. Just our daily lives of going to work and school, and of course the usual birthday and holiday events. I am still working across the lake and I still not liking the commute. Thank goodness school is over in about a month and the traffic will lighten up. I've got my fingers crossed!

Morgan is just as cute and crazy as ever. Last week we registered her for Kindergarten. Amazingly enough I did not have a meltdown at school. It's so hard to believe that the little baby I came home from the hospital with is going to be starting "real" school in just a few months. She is so excited. Although, she does have some concerns. Apparently her daddy told her she has to wear the same thing to school everday. She took this literally and has been thinking that she will have to wear the same pieces of clothing everyday. I assured her that was not the case and that she would have options. Five and she already has such strong opinions about what she wears. Can you imagine my life in about 10 years???

This weekend Morgan is going to a tea party birthday party. Should be super cute. They get to dress up and have their hair and nails done. Then they have a fashion show afterwards. Oh my. If I get organized enough I will try to post again with pictures. Fingers crossed!